FUN with Your Colleagues

FUN with Your Colleagues

Since 2020, we have all faced multiple special challenges during the flow and ebb of the Covid 19 Pandemic. We have learned how to be safe AND have FUN! We are practical and knowledgeable to safe practices in life and in our clinics. Thus, last year in August 2021, we...
Evidence is Your Superpower

Evidence is Your Superpower

ARDAIL Acupuncture Research Dissemination for Advocacy Initiative and Literacy Education Model Reopened through April 30th Tips on how to read a research article Prepared and presented by: Lisa Conboy, MA, MS, ScD Instructor in Medicine, Part-time Beth Israel...
Evidence is Your Superpower

Basic Science Research & Acupuncture

Who is doing Basic Science Research?  In basic biomedical research, scientists explore mechanisms behind the formation and function of living organisms.  Basic scientists’ area of study spans from small single molecules to large complex integrated functions in animals...

Legislative: State and National

NMSAAM Town Hall Saturday Feb 26, 3-5pm Calling all DOM’s to participate via Zoom! Topic 1: NM DOM Scope of Practice Sunset in 2024 Shall we continue to take it for granted? What do we need to do and what are the concerns? Topic 2: Summary of 2022 Legislative...