Herbal Medicine in USA

Herbal Medicine in USA

Other States with Herbal Medicine Opportunities and News from the Trenches  July 16 Town Hall presentation by Dr. Yvonne Walston, NMSAAM president Thank you, Dr Bibeau, for your passionate and valuable material about herbal medicine. Our esteemed colleague is a...
Acupuncture Day at the Legislature

Acupuncture Day at the Legislature

On January 31, 2023, we began setting up our booth at 7:30 am. Before everything was organized, potential patients were lining up, as they remembered how we have helped them with acupuncture during past Legislative Sessions for so many years. After the 2020 NM...

What has NMSAAM been doing in 2022?

NMSAAM Year End 2022 Report By President Yvonne Wylie Walston, DOM We at NMSAAM are passionate advocates for this medicine, and we want to keep our DOMs informed. Thus we continued to send out e-blast news and Facebook posts to NMDOMs at least monthly, whether they...