Pandemic Management Challenges by Laurel Schilke, DOM
Laurel Schilke, DOM, was Sec/Treasurer of Association of Traditional East Asian Medicine (ATEAM, now retired), article submitted to NMSAAM by Caterina Di Palma, DOM, NMSAAM BOD member The official approach to the pandemic has some significant deficiencies. It reflects...
Acupuncture and Biomedical News
First: the Biomedical News: For those of you who would like to do a COVID-19 saliva test in the privacy of your own home, you can log into at from the NMDOH. Check it out! You will need to work with the facilitator/monitor on a...
Registration for COVID-19 Vaccinations Available for DOMs
Knowing that pressure turns coal into diamonds, have you noticed that we are all starting to sparkle? Remember that we are all in this together! Register for COVID-19 vaccination and/or learn more about the vaccinations with two communications sent by the New Mexico...
NMSAAM Governance Documents
NMSAAM Governance Documents and Updates The New Mexico Society for Acupuncture and Asian Medicine has made the decision to host/house our public governance documents on GitHub The reasons for this inlcude: Files can be in plain text (markdown) which will be accessible...
Matching Funds for Donation to NMSAAM this Month!
Matching Funds for Donations to NMSAAM this month! DONATE NOW! The 2020 holiday season began with Thanksgiving and we are quite thankful for you: our NMDOMs, NMSAAM members, corporate sponsors and friends of acupuncturists. We are especially thankful for two of our...
COVID-19 related NEWS for DOMs
COVID-19 related NEWS for DOMs – 3 action items #1 FIRST: Please review Steven Malin’s post in NMSAAM’s News/Blog. Clinical-guidelines-for-practice-regarding-public-health-order-dated-13-november-2020/. #2 SECOND: Free webinar on Wednesday, November 18 – coming right...
Clinical Guidelines For Practice Regarding Public Health Order Dated 13 November 2020
Public Health Order 13 Nov 2020 On the 13th of November, 2020, Acting Secretary Billy J. Jimenez issued a Public Health Order under direction of the Governor in response to the continued public health emergency. This order allows the continued operation of (emphasis...
NMSAAM Listserv: New Member Benefit!
Come join the discussion! Have you ever wanted to discuss acupuncture and herbal medicine with your colleagues in a professional but relaxed environment? Are you a big TCM nerd? If so, you will love the new NMSAAM discussion listerv! What is it? The Listserv is a...
Message from NMSAAM’s New President
We thank all of our members as well as others who attended our first web platform annual meeting by Zoom on September 27, 2020. After a Zoom anonymous poll vote, I am honored to have been elected this year's president for the New Mexico Society of Acupuncture and...
Agenda for 9/27/20 Annual Meeting
We will begin the annual meeting at 10:00 am on Zoom, and will get elections done right away. We expect to have plenty of time for DOMs to talk about whatever is of concern. Although we won't be able to hang out and network as usual, we'll still be able to get...
Insurance Committee Report
This past year has been challenging, but we have still managed to get a few things done. In January 2020 CMS announced the decision to include acupuncture benefits to Medicare patients for chronic low back pain. They will cover 12 visits in a 90-day period with an...
Secretary’s Report for 2020 Annual Meeting
This is the last report I will write as your secretary, after doing the job for over 7 of the last 10 years, if I’ve counted correctly. I hope I’ve been of use. While I will no longer be part of the NMSAAM board, I intend to be very active in pushing for our...
Report and Opinions from NMSAAM VP Yvonne Wylie Walston, DOM
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Vice President for the last three years, first with Steve Malins as President and then two years with John Scott as President. As a member of NMSAAM since 2013 and a Board Member at Large for several years, I have been...
President’s Message for the 9/27/20 Annual Meeting
Dear Members of the New Mexico Society for Acupuncture & Asian Medicine and all New Mexico DOMs, September 27 will be the completion of my term as NMSAAM president. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve with you. I have greatly appreciated all that you...
Ballot for the 2020 Annual Meeting
Hello, esteemed current and recent members! We have the slate of candidates for the officers and board of directors ready for Sunday, and for your convenience, here it is. It's not too late to throw your hat in the ring if you would still like to. If more candidates...
Message from the President 8/2/20
We are still in the midst of the pandemic. There is still a lot of uncertainty about the future. Our NMSAAM DOM summer survey showed a number of things: DOMs are struggling to get back to work. Not very much telemedicine is being done. Reporting about 41% normal...
Minutes for 6/14/20 NMSAAM Board Meeting
This meeting was held on Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In attendance: John Scott, Bernadette Lujan, Yvonne Walston, Ann Losee, Amanda Wheat, Jennifer Rysanek Not attending: Steven Malins, Yvette Arellano PR Committee member Tim Walsh was also planning to attend...
Survey from UW on Acupuncture and Telehealth
The following was sent to us by a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Washington: With growing concern and unrest in the face of the COVID-19 global pandemic, there is no better time to come together as a community and gain perspective on the acupuncture...
State Guidelines for Reopening Our Offices Now Available
Guidelines from the New Mexico Department of Health for reopening our practices are out at last, as of yesterday, May 20, 2020. We know that a number of DOMs had been calling the DOH without getting any clear answers. There was a lot of conflicting information, and...
CPR/AED/BLS New Requirement: Where You Can Get Training
Greetings fair NM DOMs! Since the BAOM planned to require in-person CPR/AED/BLS as of this year to renew our licenses, we at NMSAAM thought that it would be fun for 18 per class of us to do it together, so we sponsored a class for June 13 at Action CPR. As you...