NMSAAM Town Hall
Saturday Feb 26, 3-5pm

Calling all DOM’s to participate via Zoom!

Topic 1: NM DOM Scope of Practice Sunset in 2024
Shall we continue to take it for granted? What do we need to do and what are the concerns?
Topic 2: Summary of 2022 Legislative Action
Topic 3: Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign
Topic 4: Tiered Acupuncture?

Topic 5: ASA & Medicare
Topic 6: NMSAAM Website update
Watch your email for the link to be sent Friday, February 25th.

Today’s New Mexico Legislative Topics:

Summary of 2022 Legislative Action:

It was great to get a seat at the table to work towards tax cuts and benefits for our profession, which means help for our patients. 

NMSAAM, with the help of our lobbyists, submitted a bill in the 2022 Legislative Session to add DOMs to the list of health care professionals who can claim tax credits for working in rural areas of the state, which would help to increase the supply of health care providers in rural areas of the state.


https://nmlegis.gov/Legislation/Legislation?Chamber=S&LegType=B&LegNo=115&year=22 It also included naturopaths and speech-language pathologists.

Our Lobbyists quickly found us a sponsor, an actual critical step in the legislative process, which you will also see in the national material below from ASA to follow.  Thank our sponsor, Sen. Bill Tallman!  (505) 986-4373  bill.tallman@nmlegis.gov. This bill, SB 115, EXPAND RURAL HEALTH CARE TAX CREDIT, was tabled this year along with others of its kind, to await a larger effort at tax reform in the 2023 session.

Our job now is to keep letting legislators know that we are out here and that we can be, and are, a crucial part of health care in the state.  Not just for New Mexicans who have money and live in population centers, but for everyone.  This is an opportunity to educate these senators about what we do and to build for the future. Contact your own state senators!

State government has pushed for alternatives to opioids for pain treatment. Let’s continue educating, with acupuncture being one of the treatments being emphasized.

This is an excellent time to join NMSAAM, where with just your dues, you can help us keep the momentum growing for next year’s longer legislative session with the aid of our lobbyists. When you are a member of NMSAAM, you are automatically a member of our national group, the American Society of Acupuncturists, ASA, a where each state has a vote.

Also, Remember the Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign

[hn2487@healthsecurityfornewmexicanscampaig.ccsend.com] that NMSAAM, along with other NM DOMs and health care practitioners, have been supporting for years. New Mexico is a leader among our nation to investigate such a plan, where final implementation would be in about five years. We are still at the financial and practical study design stage, and the 2022 legislative session did indeed fund continued research into this advanced provision of healthcare coverage for New Mexicans. Find out more at their site:


or their blog https://www.nmhealthsecurity.org/blog

“Quality, Affordable Health Care for All New Mexicans: The Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign is a broad grassroots coalition of organizations and individuals across New Mexico that believe it’s time for our state to set up its own health plan, with freedom of choice of health care provider and a comprehensive benefit package, to ensure health care coverage for all New Mexicans.”

National Issues:

Summary of the ASA Town Hall
held February 9, 2022; 5-6pm:


Medicare covers acupuncture for cLBP, but does not allow acupuncturists to provide the service (without supervision)


An Act of Congress (HR 4803) to authorize Medicare to recognize acupuncturists as providers, aka Acupuncture for our Seniors ACT, Introduced by Rep Judy Chu (D-CA). This bill would establish acupuncturists as medical providers.

Why do we care about Medicare?
Other insurance and administrators look to Medicare to actually recognize providers. HR 4803 would not affect acupuncturists already providing this service. Watch the recorded ASA Town hall where you will find details that you can use and or will affect you and our profession: https://www.asacu.org/2022/02/watch-nccaom-asa-town-hall-february-9-2022-video/  where you will also learn that additional sponsors are needed to have bipartisan support, and how you can help.

NMSAAM Website update: coming soon!

Please note: This article expresses the opinions and research of the author, and does not necessarily reflect all views or policies of NMSAAM members, the NMSAAM BOD, or the ASA.