by NMSAAM | Aug 27, 2022 | Business, Communications, Governance, Meetings
Updated Schedule! 9:00: Greetings and Welcome by President Yvonne Walston Summary of last year Introduction of BOD Members and Committee Chairs: A big thank you for their volunteer service of 2021 – 2022 9:15: Presentation by Webmaster Dr. Steve Malins of membership...
by NMSAAM | Sep 9, 2021 | Governance, Members, NMSAAM Board
Call for NMSAAM BOD Nominations Would you like to make a difference for our profession? Join our NMSAAM Board of Directors Call for nominations is now, and please do nominate yourself. Most applicants who have not served on this or another BOD begin by being a Board...
by NMSAAM | Dec 19, 2020 | Business, Governance, NMSAAM Board
NMSAAM Governance Documents NMSAAM Governance Documents and Updates The New Mexico Society for Acupuncture and Asian Medicine has made the decision to host/house our public governance documents on GitHub The reasons for this inlcude: Files can be in plain text...