
Herbal Medicine in USA

Herbal Medicine in USA

As busy as we all are, it is easy to become myopic and unaware of the big picture, not even seeing it. We are professionals, and as professionals we need to look at what is best for our whole profession and not just for a few practitioners. If we don’t do so, others will do it for us. In May, I attended the American Society of Acupuncturists, the ASA, annual meeting. At the Friday Council Meeting, I heard about different states and have been following up with some delegates about the tiered acupuncture licensure issue. Note that when you are a member of NMSAAM, you are automatically a member of our national ASA. Let me tell you about the current USA states use of herbal medicine and acupuncture.

Town Hall In-Person July 16, 2023

Town Hall In-Person July 16, 2023

During the 2023 Legislative Session, SB421, which would have created an acupuncture-only licensure level, was submitted by one acupuncturist. It was tabled (killed) due to a tied vote in its first committee, Health and Human Services on February 17. That is, it came very close to passing that committee and being able to advance. (An identical bill with a different number, SB 461, was also submitted by the same person.) The committee chair, Senator Gerald Ortiz y Pino, seeing that the issue had not been worked out among DOMs and that there was conflict, stated that he wants the profession to come to a consensus before any more legislation is introduced in a future session. This is totally reasonable and necessary.

Review of the 2023 ASA Annual Conference

Review of the 2023 ASA Annual Conference

Review of the 2023 ASA Annual Conference: Envisioning Our Future: May 11-15, 2023. Joyfully coming out of the COVID pandemic, acupuncturists finally met in person again at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington DC, like we did in 2019, again with 3 parts to the meeting; 1) the ASA Council Meeting, 2) Annual Conference, and 3) Advocate Fly-in to Capitol Hill.

Envisioning our Future Together

Envisioning our Future Together

Review the exciting, pertinent schedule, find logistics, and register here. PDAs to be earned: A) Live in-person conference on May 13-14: 16 CAB CEs approved. B) ASA Pre-Conference Webinar Series: 13 CAB CEs. C) May 15 Advocacy Day: 4CEs approved. NCCAOM PDAs pending approval.

Acupuncture Day at the Legislature

Acupuncture Day at the Legislature

On January 31, 2023, we began setting up our booth at 7:30 am. Before everything was organized, potential patients were lining up, as they remembered how we have helped them with acupuncture during past Legislative Sessions for so many years. After the 2020 NM...

Get Ready: All Aboard!

Get Ready: All Aboard!

If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies . . . This year we are celebrating our 42nd year of acupuncture licensure in New Mexico! It was not until 2018 that our work was recognized by the Bureau of Labor Statistics as a distinct profession, rather than a...

What has NMSAAM been doing in 2022?

We at NMSAAM are passionate advocates for this medicine, and we want to keep our DOMs informed . . . We do invite all DOMs to join NMSAAM to help keep our profession alive in our state, as NM has been a leader early on in the USA with licensure for acupuncture almost 42 years now. We are pleased that other states are catching up, and now we don’t want to be left behind!

Election Results & President Report

Election Results & President Report

THANK YOU everyone who attended our September 17, 2022 Annual Meeting! We may all agree that we have a love/hate relationship with Zoom and the other online platforms . . .The following candidates were unopposed and were elected unanimously: President, Yvonne Walston; Vice-President, Yvette Arellano; Secretary, Elene Gusch; Treasurer, Steven Malins; BOD Members at large: Robert Bibeau, Caterina Di Palma, and Tim Walsh

Stepping Forward for our Medicaid Population

Integrative Pain Treatment Subcommittee Recommendation Doctors of Oriental Medicine by Dr. Elene Gusch,  August 2022  Recommendation: Reimburse Doctors of Oriental Medicine in Medicaid Centennial Care and Fee-For-Service Medicaid, at a level equal to the New Mexico...

Join NMSAAM: Why?

NMSAAM is the professional organization for DOMs in NM, and NMSAAM is a member of the ASA, our national organization. Together, NMSAAM and the ASA are advocates for our profession and for our members, promoting Acupuncture and Asian Medicine in NM and the USA as a crucial resource for health care. For you DOMs who may be reticent  to join NMSAAM  out of concern for pressure from NMSAAM to share time and talent, (which is always welcome), it is absolutely not required. For you DOMs who may have false guilt about not having time to be be involved with NMSAAM, get over it! Most NMSAAM members do not have time to do anything other than pay membership dues, and you are our backbone! Membership dues are critically important to support our professional organization, where together we can and do make a difference.

FUN with Your Colleagues

FUN with Your Colleagues

Since 2020, we have all faced multiple special challenges during the flow and ebb of the Covid 19 Pandemic. We have learned how to be safe AND have FUN! We are practical and knowledgeable to safe practices in life and in our clinics.Thus, last year in August 2021, we in NMSAAM had a Saturday afternoon Fun-Raiser outside. Join us this summer for a FUN Sunday Brunch on August 21, 2022 9:30-11:30 am.

Evidence is Your Superpower

Evidence is Your Superpower

ARDAIL Acupuncture Research Dissemination for Advocacy Initiative and Literacy Education Model Reopened through April 30th Tips on how to read a research article Prepared and presented by: Lisa Conboy, MA, MS, ScD Instructor in Medicine, Part-time Beth Israel...